Signing of the CITAC Foundation Constitution

July 12, 2024

Fundación Kareema proudly announces its participation as a patron in the Centre for Advanced Cancer Research and Therapies (CITAC), a pioneering centre for oncological research and therapies that will be developed in Malaga.

This project, a public-private collaboration, begins its journey with oncologist Emilio Alba as medical-scientific director, after the signing of its incorporation deeds before a notary. CITAC was created with the aim of reducing the mortality of cancer patients and advancing knowledge of the disease, with the aim of recruiting talent and identifying strategic programs related to the five scientific areas on which the project will be based: precision medicine based on liquid biopsy, ultra-early diagnosis of cancer, advanced therapies, artificial intelligence applied to oncology and cancer and aging.

Thanks to all the founding patrons and especially to Dr. Emilio Alba for his perseverance and good work, the University of Malaga, Unicaja Foundation, Malaga City Council, FGUMA – General Foundation of the University of Malaga, Unicaja, Sando Foundation and Famadesa.

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